Philadelphia Lawyer Doris Dabowski offers alternative dispute resolutions, including mediation and arbitration

Alternative Dispute Resolution

The traditional court system can be a time-consuming and expensive way to settle disputes. Therefore, increasingly, parties to a dispute will seek alternative, more cost-effective methods. Doris Dabrowski has extensive experience in both arbitration and mediation.



When choosing arbitration, each party needs to be sure the arbitrator will understand the issues and to conduct the arbitration fairly.  Doris Dabrowski is uniquely qualified to serve as an arbitrator. She combines extensive training and experience with over 20 years of the practice of law. She thoroughly knows arbitration rules and procedures and knows how to apply them so proceedings run smoothly and expeditiously.

Although Doris Dabrowski has an established reputation, she accepts only a small percentage of arbitration opportunities. Therefore she maintains a manageable case load, which means cases can be scheduled and resolved in a timely fashion.

Experience includes:

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) – Doris Dabrowski has arbitrated over 100 claims (typically $100K or more), including claims of unsuitability, fraud, churning, misrepresentation and failure to follow customer instructions.

US District Court for the Eastern District of PA  – Doris Dabrowski arbitrates an average of 10 cases a year, with claims (up to $150K) including breach of contract, negligence, statutory violations of the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Fair Credit Reporting Act and PA insurance law.

Court of Common Pleas – Doris Dabrowski has arbitrated an average of 20 cases a year for the Court of Common Pleas in Philadelphia.

Unions – Doris has represented union members in ERISA and Labor Management Reporting Act cases, and represented an employee in a union grievance arbitration with the consent of the Union. She has also represented a union-sponsored welfare benefit plan.


Mediation is another method of alternative dispute resolution. The mediator attempts to get the parties to settle but does not make the final judgment and parties may be represented by lawyers.

Doris Dabrowski has represented parties participating in mediation processes in the US and state courts, EEOC, various government agencies, NJ Division of Civil Rights and with a private mediator.

To explore these options …

Contact us to explore alternative dispute resolution methods as they might apply to your unique circumstances.